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Daddy - Bear

All pups are reserved.
They are headed to their homes May 5, 2020
Mommy - Topaz

Bear and Topaz had 7 beautiful babies born 3/17/2020. They are ready for their forever homes on May 5, 2020. This litter is co-owned by us.They are American Goldens and a beautiful Golden color for all our families that have been looking for gold we finally have them. If you want to reserve a puppy please send us your completed puppy application and a $400 deposit to hold your puppy. First deposit will get first pick, Second deposit second pick etc... Due to our puppies being babies we do not allow visitors to our home prior to puppies being 7 weeks of age, since they have not had enough vaccinations prior to 7 weeks. But we would love to schedule your visit on or after May 5.